The United States Patent and Trademark Office granted U.S. Patent No. 8,180,174, covering AlpVision’s Fingerprint technology or the use of material or document microstructures for tracking, tampering and anti-counterfeiting purposes. The patent distinguishes AlpVision Fingerprint from other anti-counterfeiting technologies because it requires no marking (uses the object as is), is detectable using standard imaging devices (e.g. scanner), and supports mass production. In particular, the patent describes three types of fingerprints (unique, microscopic and macroscopic Fingerprints), the identification phases (parameter settings, image acquisition and identification), as well as various microstructures (chemical etching, stamped material, brushed material, etc.) and materials (metals, resins, coating, molded materials, etc.). This granting brings the number of patents to 44. View patent here.
AlpVision Granted U.S. Patent for Means for Using Microstructure of Materials Surface as a Unique Identifier.”
by Martin Kutter | Aug 2, 2012 | News