We are pleased to announce that starting in January 2019 AlpVision is an active member of the International AntiCounterfeiting Coalition (IACC), a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit organization devoted solely to combating product counterfeiting and piracy. Formed in 1979, the IACC is the longest-standing organization of its kind. The IACC is active both in the United States and internationally and among many activities organizes events, educates the public, and advocates policies. With a member base of over 250, the IACC takes on a leading position and therefore has a real impact when it comes to influencing and guiding the field. We at AlpVision are extremely excited to take an active part within the IACC and to help brand owners fight the everincreasing counterfeiting problem. As a worldwide leader of digital invisible authentication solutions, we will be able to provide unique insight into the problem and to report success stories of solutions that really work.
AlpVision Joins IACC
by Fred Jordan | Feb 20, 2019 | News