The Success of Innovation

The Success of Innovation

During the last 18 years, we have secured billions of products using our Cryptoglyph technology. In the beginning, the solution worked only on paper. Over the years, we found solutions to enable its application to many other substrates: cartons, plastic, aluminum,...
BMS Spring Release

BMS Spring Release

We are only a few weeks away from releasing the Version 2.0 of the Brand Monitoring System ( BMS), our online platform which allows brands to control and monitor brand protection activities. AlpVision BMS was first released in 2017 with the goal to provide brand...
New Offices in Shanghai

New Offices in Shanghai

Since the opening of our office in Shanghai, AlpVision has recorded excellent sales results in China. By the end of December, we will relocate to the Swiss Center in Hongquio which features ultra-modern offices in the heart of Shanghai. This location provides also...
Join us in Frankfurt!

Join us in Frankfurt!

On the 4th and 5th of December 2018, AlpVision will participate in the 2nd Brand Protection Congress in Frankfurt, Germany. 120 attendees are expected with representatives of more than 25 countries. We will give live demonstrations of all our authentication solutions...
Don’t miss AlpVision at IACC and GBPS

Don’t miss AlpVision at IACC and GBPS

With events in the US and in Europe, October is going to be a busy month for AlpVision. The first event is GBPS – 9th Annual Global Brand Protection Summit – in Amsterdam on October 10th and 11th, 2018. The GBPS spotlights leading technologies and tangible...