Our company has been active with authentication technologies for over 15 years, and billions of products are protected with our solutions each year, produced by over a hundred suppliers worldwide. As a result, there are numerous articles on the internet mentioning our company. Although many of those references are made by robots or automatic listings from conferences we attended, a number of those articles are sometimes written totally independently from us. For example, this is the case for various Anti-counterfeit analysis reports (Technavio, Infinit Research Ltd, Big market research, Markets&Markets, etc), there are also many publications like “E-commerce: a brand name’s curse” in “Electron Markets”, “Packaging and Product Traceability” in the “French Packaging Council”, “Lubes’n’greases” publication, overview from BASF, the Business Innovation Observatory publication of the European Commission or even blogs like “Twenty-Two Ten” or “Students guide printer terms explained”. Those numerous publications are an indication of the proven and lasting success of our technologies, as their usage is spreading across the industry.
In the News
by Martin Kutter | Aug 21, 2017 | News